Wellness resources & tools to help grow your life
We’ve learned so many tools along the way and we want to share them with you! You’ll find insight into Nutrition, Yoga Lifestyle, Contemplation, and Wellbeing. ENJOY!
Your Cosmic Forecast: January 2021 - part 2
Aquarius season has arrived! January sets us up on a trajectory of reflection, and is generally more suited toward introspection than initiation. Jupiter has moved into Pisces where he will stay for the next four months, bringing a boost of faith, generosity, and greater ease with accepting what we can’t control.
Your Cosmic Forecast: January 2021
2022 has arrived, and it’s looking full of thresholds to cross, steep hills to clammer up, and hanging cliffs to stare down and reckon with. We will likely meet many versions of endings this year, and losses that will leave us more certain of what’s essential to carry on with.
Your Cosmic Forecast: Saying Goodbye to 2021
And just like that we’re in the final home stretch of the year. Sagittarius season has had us making leaps and bounds and stretching toward what feels somewhat optimistic—the light at the end of a collapsing tunnel.
Capricorn season brings slightly more somber times, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus encouraging us to pay attention to the elements in our material reality that feel out of alignment, and get serious about our longer-term plans to adjust what needs to be adjusted.
Your Cosmic Forecast Dec 5-18
Congrats, you made it through the last eclipse season of the year! How are you feeling? What got cleared out, turned over, or pushed through? Where was there an influx of something unexpected?
As we settle down to integrate any surprises that transpired over the past two weeks, we’re also looking through what’s left of the tunnel that’s been 2021.
Your Cosmic Forecast Nov 21-Dec 4
Your Eclipse Season Guide: The final eclipse season of 2021 has arrived! This one begins with a lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th ushering in a new series of eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis that will take us through 2023. It concludes with a final solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th, marking the end of the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse saga we’ve been experiencing since 2020. I’ll write another post on the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses when the nodes officially shift into the signs in early 2022, but for now, keep in mind that eclipse energy can be disruptive, confusing, and a bit volatile.
Vata and Graceful Fall Living
The Yoga-Ayurveda Connection: Traditionally studied together, yoga and ayurveda are intimately connected via their premise of the energetic constitution of our bodies, with the heart being the center of intelligence. They teach us to develop our awareness of the mind-body connection, which helps to prevent diseases and increase longevity.
Your Cosmic Forecast Nov 7-20
Scorpio season is feeling pretty Scorpionic now isn’t it? With Mercury having just joined the Sun and Mars, our actions and thoughts are heading into seriously subterranean waters. We’re being ushered to confront the emotional implications of whatever realizations the last few weeks have brought us. Venus just entered Capricorn where she’ll stay and get cozy for the next 4 months, toeing the beginnings of essential relational restructuring and realigning we’ll be busy with this winter.
Your Cosmic Forecast Oct 24-Nov 6
Welcome to Scorpio season, the infamous period of plumbing psychic depths and excavating emotional residue. With Scorpio’s ruler Mars entering his home sign on October 30th, and Mercury following suit a few days later, this Scorpio season is bound to feel extra incisive. But cutting and cunning aside, this time of year asks us to get brutally honest about how we feel about where we are and what we have. This also means feeling into what we don’t have but may desperately desire. Scorpio is notoriously known for signifying death and rebirth. Recognize the parts of you falling away with the dead leaves without neglecting to grieve their passing. Fertilize your insides by remembering your life force is resilient and invaluable. Invest it where your tenaciousness will be revered and rewarded.
Your Cosmic Forecast for Oct 10 - 23
With this new moon, we’ve been getting deep into the Mercury retrograde heading into download central with that Mercury-Sun cazimi (when Mercury and the Sun come together at the exact degree) and the Mars-Sun cazimi right before that which began a new synodic cycle—giving our sense of action and will a refreshing jolt. We might be feeling raw and slightly disoriented. Thinking about the ways we impose our will on others or project our unconscious needs in frenzied states to assert control in our relationships.
Your Cosmic Forecast for Sep 16-Oct 9
When Mercury stations retrograde on September 27th, we will have three weeks of reviewing and recalibrating the miscommunications that have transpired for us since September 6th. I tend to see Mercury retrogrades as opportunities to free our minds by revolutionizing our patterns of attention. They can help us see our way out of unhelpful thought loops, and they’re also perfect periods for resting and slowing down our usual productivity hustle.
Your Cosmic Forecast for Sep 12 - 25
Are you feeling the hustle and bustle of Virgo season yet?
So much to do and seemingly so little time! The Neptune oppositions we’ve been getting these past few weeks—first with Mercury, then Mars, and now this week with the Sun— are coming in disorientingly strong. We’ve likely all had a few curveballs thrown our way, or days of the most basic tasks feeling absurdly complicated. Moving through endless fog has become the norm these past few weeks, and it’s only getting hazier.
Your Cosmic Forecast for Aug 29 - Sep 11
It’s Virgo season and we’re being ushered into the throes of busyness. The long lazy glimmer of summer is fading, and it’s now back to school, back to work, and back to the routine maintenance of life.
Sometimes maintenance is repair, sometimes it’s routine cleaning and clearing of excess. Mostly it’s distributing attention where it’s needed. This Virgo season, commit to maintenance.
This time often feels like a pressure to reorganize and declutter our lives. To focus on assembling what’s necessary while there’s still ample light, warmth, and energy to do so. As days grow shorter, so does our capacity to make room for everything.
Your Cosmic Forecast for Aug 15 - 28
We’re more than halfway through Leo season and life is gradually being brought down to a simmer. The expansive escape of summer has become a sweltering trap by now, and we’re feeling ready to finally get free of it. Or maybe I’m just speaking for myself here.
The next two weeks seem to offer a little more relief from the polarizing heat. Mercury and Venus are both in their home signs of Virgo and Libra respectively. This means our communication and relationship matters receive plenty of assistance, and possibly even some blessings. The planets are working on our side in that regard.
Your Cosmic Forecast for August 1-14
Welcome to a new reality—well, sort of. The last week of July brings some big energy shifts, with 3 major planets changing signs. In some ways we’re being transported into the past—starting now through October, Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius where he’ll rehash themes from early spring. What have you been trying to grow and expand since then, and what’s been getting in the way?
Your Cosmic Forecast for July 18-31
The dust is finally starting to settle. Or maybe it’s just the humid heat growing thick and relentless, begging us to slow down and stay cool. Either way, the skies seem to be cooperating on a similar note over the next two weeks. After a rather dramatic start to the summer, we’re all likely eager for some quiet—some time to just sit and ruminate in the shade, by the water, or close to the AC for the better part of the day.
Take your time and move slow. Luckily now there’s a lot less pressure to do so—relish in it. The summer will slide away before we know it.
Your Cosmic Forecast for July 4-17
If you thought June cranked up the heat, July brings a full-on roast. The first few weeks in particular have us simmering on a skewer, wrestling with agitation and running into those pesky little obstacles we thought we were done with. (insert eye-roll)
This is a time to recognize the desires you’ve been suppressing within yourself. To remember what it means to have the courage to move towards what you want, and break down the fears holding you back.
Your Cosmic Forecast for June 20th - July 3rd
Recovering from Shock & Moving Slow in Between Blows
If your life feels like it’s just been hit by an earthquake, please know you are not alone. We’ve been getting pummeled with all sorts of shocks and disruptions thanks to the Saturn/Uranus square that occurred on June 14th, and there’s plenty of residual chaos still coursing through.
The next week offers us some relief to catch up, rearrange as necessary, and bask in the glow of long sun-kissed days.
Your Cosmic Forecast for June 6th - June 19th
The Eclipse Saga Continues, Mercury Retrograde, & Saturn Square Uranus Pt. 2
Still in the midst of eclipse season AND Mercury retrograde, if your days feel like they’re receding into a disorienting fog, know you are not alone.
Better Living - Present Moment Awareness
Lack of clarity of life vision | Lack of appreciation of ourselves and our purpose | Fear | The desire for new things also can sometimes sabotage us.
How I Lite my Fire - 21 Days of Goodness
What is very important to me is that my food is congruent with the nutrition we teach. I was skeptical about taking this nutrition journey because most nutrition products out there don’t cover topics like water, spices, food combinations, and supplements. I was really surprised when I started to research how the program aligns with all the nutrition principles we believe in and that it is NOT a diet but a dense nutrition program. THAT sparked my interest!.