Your Cosmic Forecast: January 2021 - part 2
Aquarius season has arrived!
January sets us up on a trajectory of reflection, and is generally more suited toward introspection than initiation. Jupiter has moved into Pisces where he will stay for the next four months, bringing a boost of faith, generosity, and greater ease with accepting what we can’t control.
I think of this time of year as the period when we confront ourselves in our most raw and exposed form. Like the barren trees around us, we’re aching for warmth, comfort, and security against the structural limitations that keep life from feeling like a soft blanket we can safely wrap ourselves in. We confront the harsh realities of life, the neutrality that winter brings, and the necessary tapering of excess. We focus on what’s essential to survive right now.
That said, try not to put too much productive pressure on yourself for most of this month. Anything you rush to finish now will likely need to be re-visited and possibly even re-done.
Without further adieu, here’s a detailed breakdown of what the skies have in store the latter part of January:
Sunday, January 16th
The Sun in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Today invokes a bit of intensity, and possibly a bit of probing. Shadows can surface, and deep-seated fears may bubble up. We’re also likely confronting collective realities that are difficult to ignore or look away from.
Monday, January 17th
Full moon in Cancer. This full moon is likely to pack an emotional punch. With all full moons, feelings rise and reach a climactic peak. This full moon can feel intensely cathartic as it occurs opposite Pluto. Expect to get vulnerable as the tides rise and wash over you, rinsing you anew. Release what keeps you from opening and receiving the nourishment you so deeply crave.
Tuesday, January 18th
Uranus stations direct in Taurus, and the lunar nodes enter the Taurus/Scorpio axis. As the nodes change signs, so do our stories. For the next year and a half, we’ll be experiencing eclipses in a new place in our charts/lives—where we have Taurus and Scorpio. We had our first preview of this new eclipse story back at the end of November. Whatever began unfolding for you since then is likely a glimpse into what will get pushed out and pushed through in the coming ecliptic chapters later this spring and fall.
Wednesday, January 19th
The Sun enters Aquarius and Aquarius season begins. We move from thinking deeply about time and sustainability, to thinking abstractly about the intricacies of what we need to move forward with individually and collectively. This next month is about noticing the ways our choices are bound to each other, and where we may need to upgrade our systems of interdependence.
Sunday, January 23rd
The Sun in Aquarius conjoins Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. Venus retrograde in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. A buzzing day for downloads and delighting in something suddenly realized. We’re in the heart of Mercury’s retrograde, so something important is being shown about what we need to re-arrange and update. We’re also getting a flash of liberating insight into the relational matters we’ve been busy restructuring.
Monday, January 24th
Mars enters Capricorn. As the warrior planet enters his sign of exaltation, we all get a much needed boost of focused energy to get things done. If you have major projects to complete or overhaul, the next month and a half is the perfect time to get busy. We’re all being encouraged to get down to business where we need to.
Tuesday, January 25th
Mercury retrograde enters Capricorn. After retrograding in Aquarius, Mercury re-enters Capricorn to re-visit some important matters that were initiated back at the end of December. Something of essence is being clarified.
Friday, January 28th
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Something potent is coming up to be re-acknowledged. There may be a fierceness to whatever comes up in your thoughts or conversations today. Try to look for how you can process something a bit differently than you did a month back, and still have room for whatever discomfort arises.
Saturday, January 29th
Venus stations direct in Capricorn. After over a month of restructuring our relationships, and re-examining what we most deeply value, we’re ready to emerge with intimacy reviewed and renewed. By now, it’s likely that something has shifted for you regarding what you wish to preserve and keep close to you for time to come.
January, 30th
The Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. Whatever has been recently illuminated for us regarding our current and near-future timelines is becoming clearer. It’s also becoming apparent that the necessary changes will require some work, some patience, and some innovative thinking.
As much as I try to keep these forecasts relevant, it’s likely you may not experience these transits in the same way I write about them. This is because you have your own chart that’s being uniquely aspected all of the time.
Capricorn season typically brings reflection and introspection on what’s transpired over the past year, and what you could improve moving into the next one. Now is a great time to gain some retrospective on what you’ve experienced and learned. An astrology reading might be one of the best tools for this kind of reflection, and it makes for a wonderful gift for a reflective loved one :)
I still have a few spots left for readings for the end of this year. Together, we’ll locate where you are after everything that’s transpired in 2021, translate what’s been at play in the sky, and allocate resources for you to move into your next year with clarity and purpose while staying firmly rooted in your power.
You can book a session with me here.
Ilana is local to Charlottesville and studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.