Your Cosmic Forecast for June 20th - July 3rd
Recovering from Shock & Moving Slow in Between Blows
If your life feels like it’s just been hit by an earthquake, please know you are not alone. We’ve been getting pummeled with all sorts of shocks and disruptions thanks to the Saturn/Uranus square that occurred on June 14th, and there’s plenty of residual chaos still coursing through.
The next week offers us some relief to catch up, rearrange as necessary, and bask in the glow of long sun-kissed days.
The following week, things ramp up again and we’re tasked with meeting another series of blows. Don’t freak, but try to slow down as much as possible.
The invitation here now is to try meeting any felt sense of urgency with deliberate slowness. We cannot resolve crisis in a state of crisis. Whatever in your life demands radical change now needs to be met and embraced at the root—with patience and clear intention.
Here’s what’s playing out in the sky for the next two weeks:
Sunday, June 20th
Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces where it will float through the end of July, lazily returning back into Aquarius for the rest of the year. Now through October, we’ll be getting a second look at the growth and boundary expansion we’ve been undertaking this year. For the next few months, your optimism may feel a little inverted, and hope, a little more introspective to access. Ultimately, we’re being encouraged to fine-tune our visions by confronting some details we may have glossed over initially.
Monday, June 21st
Today is the summer solstice, which marks the first day of Cancer season, and the longest day of light in our northern hemisphere. Every year it seems to come too soon. This is the perfect time to consider the direction of your harvests. What has fruited so far? And what would you still like to grow? Also today, Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces, adding a good deal of foggy sentiment to our encounters. It’s a day for eye-gazing, appreciating or making art, and opening your heart for some boundless love to pour in.
Tuesday, June 22nd
Mercury stations direct in Gemini, marking the end of its retrograde and hopefully also the end of our recent communication and logistic struggles. Today may feel a little confusing, but from here on out we’re moving back into the clear. Storylines from mid-May are being completed and in some cases re-written with whatever clarity or information you’ve been receiving over the past three weeks.
Wednesday, June 23rd
The Sun in Cancer trines Jupiter in Pisces, making it a day for waterworks, and great outpours of emotion. Be gentle with yourself and others today, it can be a sensitive moment! But also likely delicious and bountiful. Spending time in water today can be incredibly rejuvenating.
Thursday, June 24th
Today we have a full moon in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn in Aquarius sextiling Chiron in Aries. This may not be the most buoyant feel-good moon, but it’s certainly a moon to get clear on your most up-to-date emotional needs and boundaries. What fills you up these days is likely different from what has in the past. Use this moment to clarify what truly nourishes and supports the present version of you.
Friday, June 25th
Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion stations retrograde in Pisces. This means that from now until December, Neptune will hover even more slowly than it already does. This transit may not feel hugely significant but warrants being wary of falling into traps of idealism, as well as getting a closer look at where in your life you may have been getting deceived. The next few months can bring some harsh comedowns in that regard.
Sunday, June 27th
Venus enters Leo, basking us in the warmth, tenderness, and radiance of the Sun for the next few weeks. Venus in Leo turns up the volume on both big-hearted love and drama in our relationships. It wants grand displays of affection, courage, and exuberance. Look for a little fiery confidence wherever you’ve been missing it lately.
Monday, June 28th
Mars in Leo sextiles the north node in Gemini and trines the south node in Sagittarius. We’re being encouraged to fortify our resolve about our path forward given what the recent eclipses revealed. Considering what’s entered and left your life as of late, what sources of truth and wonder can you rely on to guide your next steps? Today could also be a high-energy day full of distractions and reasons to abandon your to-do list.
Thursday July 1st
Mars in Leo opposes Saturn, inciting a standoff of sorts. This a conflict between action and integrity. Today can bring some tense conversations or interactions around something we’ve had brewing under our skin for some time. Having an honest and even-tempered conversation can be challenging today. Regardless of how noble the cause, fighting or acting impulsively is unlikely to work out in your favor today.
Friday July 2nd
Mars in Leo trines Chiron in Aries. This can literally represent the casualties of the day before. Whatever chord’s been struck may be sore, and today is a day to tend to your wounds with care more than charisma. It’s a day for noticing the ways your ego acts as a front to conceal your pain. See if you can acknowledge your discomfort honestly, without suppressing it in favor of appearing righteous or victorious. You can offer yourself pity without playing the victim.
Saturday July 3rd
Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus making for a chaotic uproar of sorts. Today’s a day for sh!t to pop off. Please take it easy and be careful! Accidents are very likely to happen today. It’s a volatile energy not worth handling recklessly. Don’t play recklessly or you might get wrecked.
Wishing you yet another easeful pass. Remember to take care of yourself and move s l o w.
If you feel like you’re in the thick of it, and looking for support, guidance, and some cosmic perspective on the cycles currently playing out in your life, you can book a reading with me here.
Ilana studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.