Your Cosmic Forecast for June 6th - June 19th
The Eclipse Saga Continues, Mercury Retrograde, & Saturn Square Uranus Pt. 2
Still in the midst of eclipse season AND Mercury retrograde, if your days feel like they’re receding into a disorienting fog, know you are not alone.
Last week’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius encouraged us to toss out stagnant beliefs, and confront inevitable endings wherever we have Sagittarius ruling our charts and lives. You may have felt tired, sleepless, agitated, groggy, or a mix of all of the above.
As we approach a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10th, we’re being asked to clear away the debris to make space for newness. Once again there is a need for resting, disengaging from frenetic activity, and observing the conversations you find yourself in. Whether or not we actually do much during eclipses—and it’s recommended we do very little—we’re being propelled into new chapters.
There is a noticeable weight attached to actions, words, and circumstances now in this stretch of time between eclipses. Life appears to move faster, slower, or even stand still. Mercury retrograde is currently amplifying the confusion, while the looming Saturn Uranus square may be ramping up your sense of urgency and adding some anxious pressure to your nervous system.
As the noise gets louder, see if you can listen without getting swept away. Try to ground your body as much as possible.
Between now and June 19th, only a handful of days contain notable astrological aspects, but quality trumps quantity here as these are BIG events to watch out for.
Without further adieu, here’s the cosmic breakdown for the next two weeks:
Thursday, June 10th
Like I mentioned, today is the new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini. The recommendation here is to ride it out the day by taking it easy and lessening your load as much as possible. This is not a new moon for rituals, manifesting, or performing any kind of magic in general. Eclipses are bound in visible and invisible chaos, and trying to work with them in supernatural ways can bring volatile results. You can read more about this in a post I wrote about the eclipses on my website.
Coinciding with the eclipse, we have the planet Mercury (still retrograde) making a conjunction with the Sun. This emphasizes a revelation we may be receiving about something to let go of, or stop doing. Or an insight into something that calls for revisioning. See if you can lay low and simply notice the messages being revealed.
Friday, June 11th
On the heels of the eclipse, Mars the planet of action and instinctual drive enters the sign of Leo. Collectively, we are now entering some fiery territory. Mars in Leo has a tendency to demand ‘my way or the highway’, with notorious dramatic flair. From now until the end of July, the vibe can get aggressively performative and heated. The tip? Cool yourself down! Mars in Leo likes to test its limits and keep the flame burning at all costs. Take care not to exhaust yourself, and recognize when a nap in the shade or a cool watery dip is in order.
Saturday, June 12th
Venus squares Chiron, emphasizing some ongoing healing in your relationship with yourself and others. You may feel nudged in a sensitive spot today, or feel a need to express yourself honestly and vulnerably. You know how others hold up mirrors to our own internal processes? Today is a perfect example of what projection can teach you about a part of yourself you’re currently stuck on.
Sunday, June 13th
Venus sextiles Uranus and the Sun squares Neptune. Today is a doozy left and right, as encounters get a little impulsive and boundaries feel downright permeable. Be cautious about any conclusions you draw. If an answer seems promising, try not to leap towards it just yet. We’re still in the retrograde, and confirmations are not yet ripe. Notice what you’re tempted to believe today.
Monday, June 14th
Without a doubt the most notable aspect of the month, today marks the second of three Saturn Uranus squares of the year. This is the defining theme of 2021, and today ushers us into the second volume of the story. The first square happened back in February and coincided with that mass power outage in Texas, and the rest of the chaos that ensued. On a collective level, Saturn square Uranus is a shakeup to our structures and institutions, and the paradigms that inform our relationship to Earth’s resources. It’s an urgent call to revolutionize our subsistence economies, labor, technology—literally everything we use to survive in the world as we know it. It’s a wake-up call to remind us the ecological crisis demands we change the ways we inhabit this planet on a mass scale. There will likely be some kind of shock that takes place on the collective stage today (or in the days surrounding) so keep an eye out.
On a personal level, this aspect has to do with your relationship to urgency, with your nervous system, and the ways you connect to your body to remember your place in this world. It’s a call to slow down, regain autonomy over your pace, and free yourself from selling your time to people or causes you don’t actually value. Whatever you’ve been getting pushed toward since February will rise to the surface again, spurring further action and change.
There isn’t too much happening in the days following these major aspects, and probably for good measure. We need time to process, absorb, and decompress.
If I haven’t said it enough already: remember to take it easy. Even if it doesn’t seem like there’s all that much happening, understand that your body and consciousness are undergoing a pretty drastic upgrade. You may not even realize it until you look back later down the line...
For now, try to take your steps slowly and intentionally, spend time outside with your bare feet on the ground, and do whatever you need to regulate your nervous system.
If you feel like you’re in the thick of it, and looking for support, guidance, and perspective on the cycles currently playing out for you personally, you can book a reading with me here.
Wishing you an easeful pass through the turbulence,
Written by Ilana Khin
Ilana studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.