Better Living - Present Moment Awareness



  1. Lack of clarity of life vision: We will always have goals and dreams because we are evolving beings, but moving towards the goal must not stop us from savoring the present, what we have achieved, where we are, enjoying our journey, and being proud of where we have reached.

  2. Lack of appreciation of ourselves and our purpose: While it is essential to have a perspective and not lose sight of the goal, we must not forget why we do what we do, or else the dream or goal post can hold us hostage and prevent us from enjoying the present. We must appreciate our journey, our starting point, where we are currently at, and the roadblocks that we crossed to get there even if we have not reached our destination. We must appreciate ourselves

  3. Fear: This is another thief that can rob us from enjoying our present or be the spoke in the wheel of the achievement of our future dream. One way fear manifests itself is as ‘fear of the unknown’ or doubts like ‘what if we fail? or ‘what if it doesn’t work?’.

  4. The desire for new things also can sometimes sabotage us: It comes in the form of desperation — the need to meet our goal at any cost. This stops us from appreciating our hard work and efforts and the journey we’ve made. It manifests itself in the form of a voice that diminishes all the effort we have put in. It wants instant results and is desperate for attention. We shouldn’t let it take us hostage.



  1. Self-appreciation – Remember the starting point. Where you started, look where you are now, and appreciate how much you have evolved.

  2. Avoid Comparison. Don’t look at another’s journey and compare their journey to yours.

  3. Sometimes, all you must do is put on your blinders and work. Sometimes, it’s days of action and some of rest. Find out which day you are in and pivot accordingly.

  4. Remember earlier feats and use them as a memory to boost you up.

  5. Remember the roadblocks and how you’ve overcome them. Use them to give you hope that you can indeed do it.

  6. Remember the determination you had to stick through it no matter what curve balls life threw at you. It helped your earlier dream to see the light.

  7. Gratitude – Be thankful for where you have reached. Many haven’t. Be grateful for the opportunity you have got. Remember the numerous blessings and unexpected help that came unannounced. My friend showed up as a guardian angel every week for six months taking me around the place and making me feel at home.

  8. Remember your vision – why did you want the old and new dream? What were your real reasons for these goals?

  9. Introspect -How will it enrich your life? How much of your effort is it worth it? If I am miserable, it is a sign that I am doing something wrong, and in no position to help others. If we don’t give ourselves time to introspect our life decisions, we end up chasing our tails, not knowing where we want to go and why. So, take the time to rest, recoup, rejuvenate yourself. It also helps you clear your vision.

  10. Remember that success is not linear. It has its ups and downs. Some days are better than others, and it’s best to enjoy the ride.

  11. Give yourself grace for the mistakes you make.

  12. Provide yourself with compassion. Know that you always deserve a break. Take a time out from new goal posts to savor the old ones that you have achieved, celebrate yourself, the victories, and the mistakes you made.

  13. Don’t be hard on yourself because the current goal seems difficult and frightening or you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  14. Learn from the past. Remember the times you didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. What did you do then? What can you do now?


Challenge Starts June 14 - Info Sesh:

Wednesday, June 2 - 6:30 p

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