Wellness resources & tools to help grow your life
We’ve learned so many tools along the way and we want to share them with you! You’ll find insight into Nutrition, Yoga Lifestyle, Contemplation, and Wellbeing. ENJOY!

Exploring the Nexus: How Yoga Bridges the Psychedelic Realm
Yoga, with origins dating back thousands of years, has always been associated with inner transformation, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with oneself. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the synergy between yoga and the psychedelic realm. The intersection of these two seemingly distinct realms has intrigued many, as both aim to unlock profound states of consciousness, self-awareness, and personal growth.
From Hope to Enlightenment:
How would you qualify the journey from hope to enlightenment as it leads down a path of self-discovery and personal growth? The powerful impact of hopeful mindsets in driving initiative and fostering a healthy desire for self-knowledge is a profound exploration awaiting those who dare to embark on it.
Curiosity, a friend to hope, guides us to look at how hope not only provides the fuel for introspection and growth but also how it can manifest in psychedelic practices, unlocking new dimensions of understanding and enlightenment.
Is Manifestation Real?
The concept of the field of pure potentiality is believed to be the source of all creation, containing the blueprint for everything that exists.
Proponents of psychedelics argue that these substances can facilitate access to altered states of consciousness conducive to connecting with the field of pure potentiality. During a psychedelic journey, the boundaries of the ego dissolve, and the mind becomes more receptive to new insights and perspectives. This state of expanded consciousness may allow individuals to tap into the infinite creative potential of the universe and manifest their desires.
Embracing Unconditional Love: A Pathway to Fulfillment
In essence, unconditional love is not merely a fleeting emotion; it is a way of being, a state of consciousness that permeates every aspect of our lives. It is a love that perseveres through the trials and tribulations of life, offering solace and comfort in times of need. It is a love that knows no boundaries, defying the constraints of time and space to unite us in a bond of infinite connection.
Facing the Storm: Psychedelics and Navigating the Seas of Grief
Living Wholeheartedly:
Grief doesn't disappear. It becomes a part of us, a whisper in the wind, a tear that falls easily. But psychedelics can help us move from a place of being defined by our loss to a place of living wholeheartedly with it.
Yoga and Microdosing as Navigation Guides for Creative Solutions
Do we develop creativity from understanding ourselves or do we understand ourselves better because of our creation?
We think this question can be best answered not by what we are creating but rather by why we stop creating . When we really look through the magnifying glass, is it fear? disconnection? unsafe feelings? lack of vision?
Navigating the Psychedelic Frontier: Mental Health, Skillful Living and the Power of Psychedelic Insight
The reemergence of psychedelics as a topic of serious scientific study is nothing short of a renaissance. Researchers and clinicians are increasingly exploring their potential to treat a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction.
Psychedelics such as psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms), LSD, and MDMA have shown promising results in clinical trials. In controlled, supervised settings, these substances have been used to induce transformative, introspective experiences that can lead to profound psychological healing, personal growth, and the cultivation of skillful living.
Better Living - Present Moment Awareness
Lack of clarity of life vision | Lack of appreciation of ourselves and our purpose | Fear | The desire for new things also can sometimes sabotage us.