Wellness resources & tools to help grow your life
We’ve learned so many tools along the way and we want to share them with you! You’ll find insight into Nutrition, Yoga Lifestyle, Contemplation, and Wellbeing. ENJOY!

Exploring the Nexus: How Yoga Bridges the Psychedelic Realm
Yoga, with origins dating back thousands of years, has always been associated with inner transformation, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with oneself. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the synergy between yoga and the psychedelic realm. The intersection of these two seemingly distinct realms has intrigued many, as both aim to unlock profound states of consciousness, self-awareness, and personal growth.
Inner Exploration on Psychedelics
The journey within, often taken through the use of psychedelics, can be a profound exploration of our inner landscapes. When we approach this inner exploration with the insights from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, we discover a path that embraces introspection, confronts emotions and thought patterns, and ultimately leads to profound personal growth and healing
Spiritual Insights on Psychedelics
The use of psychedelics has long been associated with profound spiritual experiences that reveal a deep sense of interconnectedness and purpose. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, we embark on a journey to explore how these sacred substances can awaken our consciousness, enabling us to see the bigger picture and find profound meaning in everyday experiences
Altered Perception on Psychedelics
In the world of psychedelic experiences, altered perception is a fundamental aspect of the journey. It can be a profound shift in consciousness, leading individuals to explore the depths of their minds and question the nature of reality itself.
The Illusion of Ordinary Perception - Our everyday perception is clouded by the illusion of ego. This ego, rooted in attachments, desires, and fears, keeps us ensnared in the cycle of suffering, known as samsara. The first step in understanding altered perception on psychedelics is recognizing the illusory nature of our ordinary way of seeing the world.
Ego Dissolution on Psychedelics
In the realm of psychedelic experiences, one of the most profound and often transformative encounters is with ego dissolution; the state where the boundaries of self begin to dissolve,
The Illusion of Ego - Ego, the sense of self that we cling to so fiercely, is but an illusion. This illusion binds us to the cycle of suffering, preventing us from realizing our true nature and the interconnectedness of all things.