Your Cosmic Forecast: Saying Goodbye to 2021
And just like that we’re in the final home stretch of the year. Sagittarius season has had us making leaps and bounds and stretching toward what feels somewhat optimistic—the light at the end of a collapsing tunnel.
Capricorn season brings slightly more somber times, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus encouraging us to pay attention to the elements in our material reality that feel out of alignment, and get serious about our longer-term plans to adjust what needs to be adjusted.
Venus begins her six-week retrograde cycle, prompting us to re-inspect our values, and recognize which of our relationships reflect those values and which do not. This is not necessarily a doom-and-gloom break-up transit (though it can be), but more so a time to reconfigure our relationships and prime them for longevity. Sometimes that means things must end or be discarded, other times it means something must be added or fortified.
The wildcard over these next 2 weeks is the third and final Saturn-Uranus square that occurs on Christmas Eve. This has been the major unfolding theme of 2021—rewiring our nervous systems away from urgency, overhauling the parts of our lives that need to allow for more pleasure, gaining newfound authority over our time, and accepting that radically restructuring our lives is a process that can’t be rushed.
The highlight of the next two weeks is Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces, where it will stay well into the spring showering us with good vibes only and all sorts of tear-eyed epiphanies. If you recall, Jupiter had a brief stint in Pisces back in the spring/early summer of 2021 where life felt a little more relaxed, we thought the worst was behind us, and we were soaking up the ecstatic reprieve after two years of Jupiter being in Saturn-ruled signs. Whew! Expect your own and the collective optimism to rise significantly moving into the new year.
All that said, here’s the breakdown for the next two weeks:
Sunday, December 19th
Coming off of the previous night’s full moon in Gemini we have Venus stationing retrograde in Capricorn and Chiron stationing direct in Aries. Venus now begins her long descent into the underworld until the end of January. Gathering and relating with others may feel more pronounced than usual for the next month and a half, as we reflect and consider what is truly of value to us, and which relationships are worth sustaining. Chiron stationing direct may not feel very significant (depending on how it currently aspects your own chart), but may feel like some clarity surfacing around the self-healing you’ve been undertaking over the past few months.
Monday, December 20th
Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. Innovating a process you’ve been stuck on may come more easily today than usual. Don’t discount the unexpected places that hold the answers you’ve been looking for.
Tuesday, December 21st
Today is the winter solstice—the shortest day of light in the northern hemisphere, and the Sun enters Capricorn signalling the official beginning of winter. Capricorn season is a time for grounding, settling into a slower pace of movement, and reflecting on what you need to acquire and consolidate for the long cold months ahead. With both Venus and Mercury also currently in Capricorn, this season is bound to feel extra Capricorn-y. We’ll be getting serious about planning for the near-future and reorganizing our lives around the most current iteration of our values.
Friday, December 24th
Today is the final installment of the Saturn-Uranus saga we’ve been experiencing for the entirety of 2021. As Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus for the third and final time this year, we’re once again getting pushed through into a new timeline somewhere in our lives that’s been undergoing massive restructuring this year. Expect sensations or situations of urgency coupled with resistance. Even if change can sometimes feel sudden, remember that the innovation you’re seeking will take time to implement.
Saturday, December 25th
Mars in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries, and retrograde Venus in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Christmas may feel a bit edgy this year, but also quite sincere. We might be getting a glimpse at something we’re serious about committing ourselves to. We might feel ready to act in ways that honor our selfhood, even if our choices differ from what those around us expect.
Sunday, December 26th
Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A good day for dreaming and reflecting, and letting your imagination land in tangible places. Try to tap into your deepest yearnings and consider how you wish for them to materialize in your life.
Tuesday, December 28th
Jupiter enters Pisces, and we return to seas of optimism and good faith. For the next few months, life will start to feel significantly more uplifting—possibly even to the point of delusion. Soak up the good vibes as much as you can. Jupiter’s stint in his home sign will still feel far too short once it’s over later in the spring.
Wednesday, December 29th
Mercury in Capricorn conjoins retrograde Venus in Capricorn, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries, and Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. Coming off the holiday whimsy, today’s a day for remembering to return to yourself. What do you have to take care of as the year comes to a close? Check in with yourself and your needs, and check in with others you’ve been spending your time with.
Thursday, December 30th
Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Today our thoughts and conversations get a little edgy as we attempt to surface something that’s been hidden or suppressed. Don’t be afraid to go there today, and remember that whatever arises and doesn’t get resolved, will likely come up again when Mercury revisits the matter during their retrograde in January/February.
Saturday, January 1st
The Sun in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. It’s a new year! Today might feel like a bold fresh start. Lean into the parts of you reaching to break free and begin again. You’re being supported to think outside the box and embrace what else could be possible. The year ahead is full of unwritten potential—lean into it!
And that’s a wrap! It’s sure to be an interesting end to the year. The best advice is to embrace the unexpected and stay true to the integrity of your heart.
As much as I try to keep these forecasts relevant, it’s likely you may not experience these transits in the same way I write about them. This is because you have your own chart that’s being uniquely aspected all of the time.
Capricorn season typically brings reflection and introspection on what’s transpired over the past year, and what you could improve moving into the next one. Now is a great time to gain some retrospective on what you’ve experienced and learned. An astrology reading might be one of the best tools for this kind of reflection, and it makes for a wonderful gift for a reflective loved one :)
I still have a few spots left for readings for the end of this year. Together, we’ll locate where you are after everything that’s transpired in 2021, translate what’s been at play in the sky, and allocate resources for you to move into your next year with clarity and purpose while staying firmly rooted in your power.
You can book a session with me here.
Ilana is local to Charlottesville and studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.