Your Cosmic Forecast: April ‘22
The astrology of April looks like a giant orgy—for real though.
We have Venus exalted in Pisces after being trapped in Saturn’s land for nearly 6 months, an out-of-this-world conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, and even Mars softens up in the waters when he enters Pisces mid-month.
So much of the juicy lusciousness we’ve been deprived of over the last few months is coming in full swing this April. The skies are singing hallelujah, with very few harsh aspects. And at the very end of the month, we get our next installment of eclipses.
There’s lots to be excited and thankful for this coming month. Hopefully we can all rejoice in the uplift. It’s been a hard winter, a difficult March, and with the days now growing longer, there’s more sun-kissed hope to soak up.
Here’s the what the astrology forecast for the month ahead looks like:
Friday April 1st
We have a new moon in Aries invigorating us with a bold reset. A new beginning is pulsing within us, urging us to commit to its initiation. What is revealing itself to be undeniably true in your life now? Where are you feeling inclined to start over?
Saturday April 2nd
Mercury in Aries conjoins the Sun. This cazimi brings a wave of mental clarity to whatever intentions we set with the new moon. It’s the beginning of a new cycle of thinking so to speak. We’re starting to perceive a sphere of our lives with a totally new set of eyes. This cazimi is also conjunct the asteroid Chiron who represents the wounded healer archetype. We might be feeling a bit tender and activated, but there is also potential for powerful healing to happen at this time.
Monday April 4th
Mars in Aquarius conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. Today's action may be met with defiance. Something we expect to be a quick and easeful process might turn out to be excruciatingly slow and challenging. Our reactiveness gets tested today. As does our patience and understanding that whatever process we find ourselves in cannot be rushed.
Tuesday April 5th
Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus and Venus enters Pisces. Right on the heels of yesterday’s slap on the wrist, we get an unexpected turn-of-events. Something surprising comes through, and it may even be pleasant with Venus having finally entered her sign of exaltation. Venus loves to be in Pisces, and so after six long months of answering to Saturn, we’re finally getting a dose of lusciousness that’s been so long deprived.
Thursday April 7th
Mercury in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. Conversation may take a serious turn today with there being important elements to consider. You may find yourself keen to make an effective decision, or arrive at a long-awaited breakthrough in thinking.
Friday April 8th
Jupiter in Pisces sextiles the north node in Taurus and Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius. Impulsivity is in the air today, and we’re encouraged to go an extra mile for a good time. It’s a pleasurable signature in the sky, so take advantage and do something that genuinely feels good in your body. Try not to put limits on the fun or restrict anything. Just stay open to the flow and see what happens. Conversations may feel extra spicy today.
Sunday April 10th
Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury enters Taurus. Tensions may rise in conversation today, as a rather confronting truth rises up to the surface. Ego dynamics are likely involved in whatever’s arising. The tensions will ease as Mercury enters Taurus later in the day, and tend toward pacifying and making amends.
Monday April 11th
Saturn in Aquarius squares the nodes. We’re coming up against some kind of warning about moving too quickly. Wherever you find yourself with an urgency to fill a vacancy or confirm security of some kind by compressing time and rushing things along, is likely where you’re being reminded to slow down.
Tuesday April 12th
Jupiter in Pisces conjoins Neptune for the signature of the century. The two planets come together every thirteen years, but in the sign of Pisces specifically, they won’t come together again in our lifetime. This is a transit that spells breathtaking creativity, powerful uplift, euphoric states of bliss, as well as some delusion. Take psychedelics if you so desire but remember to tread wisely. The Sun in Aries will also sextile Saturn in Aquarius today, hopefully lending a sturdy hand to help us avoid slipping.
Thursday April 14th
Mars enters Pisces and our rough warrior softens up a bit for the next 6 weeks. In Pisces, Mars is spurred into action from his compassion and deep empathy for others. He’s emboldened to bring an end to any suffering he sees. Because Mars is less abrasive in Pisces, we may find ourselves pacifying tensions a good deal with this transit.
Sunday April 17th
Mercury in Taurus sextiles Venus in Pisces. Today we find ourselves having pleasant conversations, and smoothing over any rough patches that have been arising in our relational dynamics. The truth comes through softly and tenderly today.
Monday April 18th
Mercury in Taurus conjoins Uranus, Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus, and the Sun in Aries squares Pluto. A loaded day in the sky! Expect surprising news or enlightening downloads, saying yes to doing something exciting with someone else, and also to feel a little sneaky about it. Something that’s been going on behind the scenes may now be coming into view.
Wednesday April 19th
The Sun enters Taurus and Taurus season begins. This means we’re finally in the thick of lush spring, smelling the flowers and relishing the Sun on our skin. Delighting in all our sensations just as nature is fully awake and enraptured herself.
Saturday April 23rd
Mercury in Taurus conjoins the north node. Today we get a rush of confidence to say something impulsive, and blurt out before thinking it through. It may go over well, or it may not. Notice tendencies to overshare in conversation today.
Monday April 25th
Mercury in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius and sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Today we may find ourselves meeting the consequences of whatever was blurted out the day prior, and smoothing over any tensions. If the boat was rocked, by the end of today it’s likely we get back to smooth sailing.
Tuesday April 26th
Venus in Pisces sextiles the north node. Today brings an exciting buzz or thrill regarding something enjoyable, or a pleasurable encounter with someone. Soak up the good vibes as they keep on coming.
Thursday April 28th
Mercury in Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Pisces conjoins Neptune. All bets are off today. Love is in the air, we’re feeling enamored and possibly a little love-drunk and delirious.
Friday April 29th
Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn. Sobering conversations arrive the morning after. Reality checks come through but thankfully they’re not so harsh. As the fog begins to dissipate, we start to think more intently about what’s happening.
Saturday April 30th
Mercury enters Gemini. Finally in its own home sign, Mercury in Gemini brings us quick-witted conversation and the curiosity to devour all sources of information. We’re hungry for words, stories, and even gossip. Mercury will retrograde here in a few weeks, spending a longer period of time in Gemini than usual.
Sunday May 1st
Venus in Pisces conjoins Jupiter in Pisces. April ends on a blissful note with the two benefics conjoining in signs they exalt and rule respectively. Think waterworks of all kinds—truth and beauty are one and the same under these majestic skies.
And that’s a wrap!
April is looking like a delicious month full of ecstatic sky dances. Toss your reservations to the wind if you can, embrace the flow as it pulls you, and try to become as open of a vessel as possible for divine desire to move through you.
As much as I try to keep these forecasts relevant, it’s likely you may not experience these transits in the same way I write about them. This is because you have your own chart that’s being uniquely aspected all of the time.
To get a sense of where in your life April will be bringing the most blessings, and how to open yourself up to receiving them, you can book a reading with me.
My books are open until April 19th, after which I will no longer be offering traditional astrology readings and moving in a new direction with my offerings. So if you’ve been curious to book a reading with me, now is the time!
Wishing you a delightful April full of wonder, heart-opening magic, and pleasure beyond any possible perfection your mind could ever come up with.
Ilana is local to Charlottesville and studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.