Your Cosmic Forecast: March 2022
There’s a lot going on in the world right now that’s infuriating and devastating for many reasons. Accessing joy, pleasure, and grounded aliveness can be a challenge, but also deeply necessary.
It’s Pisces season which means we’re deep in the feels, and connecting around what’s greater than our individual selves. We’re absorbed in global events because we remember that whatever happens across the world also affects us where we are. We’re differentiated, but we’re still all in this together.
I don’t make definitive predictions with astrology—which isn’t to say it can’t be done, or hasn’t been done for centuries (because it absolutely has)—but I say this to let you know this forecast won’t tell you when a ceasefire will be declared or how things may proceed to escalate in Eastern Europe.
Regardless of what happens, as long as we're still here we have our work cut out for us. We have a future to re-imagine and a more caring, supportive world of inter-being to build.
Our personal lives still matter even when the collective is in turmoil. But perhaps your own perspective of what matters will change. Stay open to the process.
Here’s the breakdown of what the sky weather has in store for the next month:
Wednesday March 2nd
The Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus. Mercury in Aquarius conjoins Saturn. A stroke of insight can take you further into the future today. Innovation meets cautious deliberation. Today, allow the truth of your embodied experience to solidify into a principled integrity that’s worth preserving. In simpler terms, a new habit can emerge that will change your life for years to come. There’s also a new moon in Pisces today. The urge to renew is in the air. Sit with the dark before committing to anything visible.
Thursday March 3rd
Mars and Venus conjoin Pluto in Capricorn. Today arrives with a sizzling intensity. We’re being asked to reckon with our wants, and determine what can be set aside for the time being. It may be worth asking yourself if you’re trying to do too much at the moment. Who or what is responsible for the conditioning you carry around how you must “prove” yourself in order to receive? Practice receiving by finding pleasure in small, mundane moments without feeling guilty about it.
Saturday March 5th
The Sun in Pisces conjoins Jupiter. Today is a day of swelling. Life feels bigger and louder. We’re attuned to the vast complexity of the world around us, and sensitive to the currents of feeling swirling about. What do you need to be aware of as you move toward your most idealistic vision of the future? What ecstasy can you absorb now in this present moment that fills you with the possibility of what lies ahead?
Sunday March 6th
Venus and Mars enter Aquarius and form their second exact conjunction. Mercury in Aquarius squares the nodes. Today brings a desire for vindication. Adrenaline might course through your body more strongly than usual, and your awareness of what needs to happen next may feel sharp. You may be asked to seize something today and store it for future use or reference. This can be a feeling, an idea, a passing thought, or an element of a conversation. Tensions are running high—take what comes through clearly. You’ll know if it has a strong but neutral resonance.
Wednesday March 9th
Mercury enters Pisces. For the next few weeks we’ll be traversing liminal thought planes, swimming between dreams and waking life, and getting lost wondering what the purpose of a linear path is in a multi-dimensional reality. Mercury in Pisces will magnify the feelings behind what we do, as well as the emotional consequences of our words and actions. Write down your dreams, speak with compassion, and let poetry dangle from your lips.
Sunday March 13th
The Sun in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces. A day of exhilarating romance or dizzying deluge. Today is full of big sweeping sentiments, and desires to chase unattainable horizons. Be mindful of grand gestures and making promises you can’t keep. But also, bask in the annual ecstasy this transit can bring. It’s a doozy, but can also be spectacularly beautiful.
Monday March 14th
The Sun in Pisces sextiles the north node in Taurus. Excitement is in the air, particularly around something you’ve been craving. Perhaps it’s finally just around the corner, or you’re coming into the awareness of the emotional state needed for you to receive. Embracing abundance begins with trusting there is always more. The options are endless, and rejection is a mere re-direction towards something better and more aligned. Trust that more of what you want is coming.
In these collapsing times, I’m being reminded that hope is a tenacious practice. It’s a choice we make not from the appearance of external conditions, but from a place of internal devotion to principled ideals.
As we shift from the interconnected perspective of Pisces and into the self-directing orientation of Aries, may you arrive more inspired and energized to continue this sometimes tedious, sometimes mesmerizing, always mysterious work of living.
Stay soft out there.
As much as I try to keep these forecasts relevant, it’s likely you may not experience these transits in the same way I write about them. This is because you have your own chart that’s being uniquely aspected all of the time.
We’ll sit down together and discuss exactly what your plans are moving forward, and outline the best time periods and opportunities for action to help you get exactly where you’re trying to go.
We’ll locate where you are now, translate what’s been at play in the sky as of late, what will be most impactful for you over the next 12 months, and allocate resources for you to move through what’s coming with clarity and purpose while affirming your power of choice.
For more information, or to book a session with me, you can do so here.
Ilana is local to Charlottesville and studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds.