Astro Forecast May 23 - June 5
Hi Strargazers!
Gemini season has just begun, and we’re in for a wild and wacky next two weeks as eclipse season rolls out, Saturn stations retrograde, and Mercury stations retrograde. Hold onto your bandhas! Try to stay flexible, curious, and trust in the swirl of events as they unfold—some up=leveling changes are likely headed your way.
Here’s what the cosmic forecast looks like for the next two weeks:
Sunday, May 23rd
Mercury squares Neptune and Saturn stations retrograde. This is a day to go slow and be a little weary of your moves. Limits and boundaries can feel blurred, and logistics can get confusing. Expect things to get lost in translation. On the other hand, it can be a good day for imagining and having dreamy conversations. Lean into feeling swept off your feet—just remember to come back down to Earth. As eclipse season begins and the veil grows thin, crash landings abound.
Wednesday, May 26th
We are ushered into eclipse season with a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. In other words, this is a full moon in Sagittarius where the south node of the moon has been transiting for the past year and a half. Think back to what was going on for you in late November/early December. Expect a continuation or even acceleration of those themes. With eclipses, it’s most important to chill out. Come back to your mat regularly, and keep your self-care tools on deck. Starting now and for the next 2 weeks, do your best to take it easy and just notice what transpires.
Thursday, May 27th
Following the full moon eclipse, we have Venus in Gemini forming a square with Neptune in Pisces. Relationship boundaries can get fuzzy with this aspect. We’re all wearing rose-colored glasses, so look out for vague promises and notice if your encounters with others have an air of delusion to them. Remember there is more to the story than meets the eye—always but especially today.
Saturday, May 29th
Venus conjoins Mercury and Mercury stations retrograde, all in Gemini. Whatever agreements, contracts, or conclusions you’re coming to currently, or are in the process of signing—expect delays. No matter how good and clear things may appear, the next three weeks are a time to pause, reflect, reconsider, and recalibrate your plans and commitments. Mercury retrogrades happen 3-4 times of the year, and they signal periods for us to check in with ourselves, re-assess logistics, and re-prioritize what we’ve been signing away our time for.
Monday, May 31st
Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces and the Sun conjoins the north node in Gemini. It’s eclipse season and with Mercury newly retrograde, things are likely to feel a little disorienting. Today might have a bleary intensity to it, and momentum can feel fickle. A great day to rest if you can, and maybe take a break from social media. Or at least notice the physical state you find yourself in while consuming information.
Wednesday, June 2nd
Venus enters Cancer and the Sun sextiles Chiron. The relational vibe begins to change from excitable, conversational Gemini to more sentimental and intimate Cancer. There may be a pronounced need for more heartfelt encounters. Notice who in your life you feel comfortable getting vulnerable with. And likewise, who entrusts you to hold space for them?
Thursday, June 3rd
The Sun trines Saturn and Venus trines Jupiter. A day for potential breakthroughs, good fortune, and an affirming gaze into the future. Be open to the gifts pouring through the skies today, but also keep in mind that clarity is not at your disposal yet. This is a perfect opportunity to practice being the “observer”, and not attaching to circumstances that are still largely in flux.
Saturday, June 5th
Mercury (still retrograde) forms a square with Neptune and Mars opposes Pluto. Today is another day to chill out, watch for triggers to your aggression, and be aware that others around you might feel easily triggered as well. Your messages may not be received the way you intend them, and vice versa. Don’t take things literally (or too personally), and remember this too shall pass. Things can reach a boiling point today, and confrontation may not lead to an easeful resolution.
Stay tuned for another update in two weeks where we’ll cover Eclipse Saga Part 2!
If you feel like you’re in the thick of it, and looking for support, guidance, and perspective on the astrological cycles currently playing out for you, you can book a personal reading with me here.
Written by Ilana Khin
Ilana studies and practices a blend of modern and traditional Western astrology. She sees astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, healing, and liberation. She offers one-on-one consultations to help you deepen your relationship with the cosmos and integrate your inner and outer worlds. Book a personal reading with me.