Monthly Satsang: Conversations & Meditaiton
Join us for our monthly FREE satsang where we will discuss the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras are a set of 196 statements written by Patanjali around 2,000 years ago as guidelines to live an enlightened life. We'll be discussing how these principles can still apply today.
Monthly Satsang: Conversations & Meditaiton
Join us for our monthly FREE satsang where we will discuss the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras are a set of 196 statements written by Patanjali around 2,000 years ago as guidelines to live an enlightened life. We'll be discussing how these principles can still apply today.
Monthly Satsang: Conversations & Meditaiton
Join us for our monthly FREE satsang where we will discuss the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras are a set of 196 statements written by Patanjali around 2,000 years ago as guidelines to live an enlightened life. We'll be discussing how these principles can still apply today.
This month's focus is on sutra 1.12, which discusses how yoga can be used to practice determined action and surrender.