Access Non-ordinary States through Psychedelic Breathwork
The term "psychedelic" is derived from the Ancient Greek words psychē (ψυχή, "soul") and dēloun (δηλοῦν, "to make visible, to reveal"), translating to "mind-manifesting".
2 hr workshop
Psychedelic Breathwork is a simple method for creating physiological symptoms in conjunction with meditation to enhance the sense of a spiritual experience. Psychedelic Breathwork is a highly experiential, powerful method to help you understand yourself better, that combines fast, deep, and circular breathing, evocative music, & group sharing. The emphasis is on creating a safe space in which each participant can enter an expanded state of consciousness, and surrender fully to all the sensations, feelings, energy movement, visions, memories.
Workshop Breakdown
Discussion: How Psychedelic Breathwork was developed as a method of entering non-ordinary states of consciousness. Kind of experiences that are possible during a Breathwork experience.
60-min Psychedelic Breath experience
Integration: Journal, Circle Sharing
What to Bring
Journal, Yoga Mat, Pillows, Blankets, Water